Sunday, January 18, 2009

LOST: our righteous duty

Jan 21st- a day after the inauguration, the day that LOST premiers again, and a day that my duty to TV & the dharma initiative renews.

After taking the last few weeks to watch season after season, 6 hours at a time, DVD after precious commercial-free DVD, I am ready to delve into TV land and get LOST again. I have to thank Julian for his movie membership & commitment to watching all of the episodes, the movie store for their 'rent 2, get 1 free' specials, Rick for having a relationship breakdown that inspired a trip to Long Island & the beginning of this amazing addiction to LOST, and especially to the creators of this fabulous show for hours of surprisingly splendid entertainment.

This is the first show I've been totally & completely addicted to since my so-called life way back in the day. That show had me fascinated with inner thoughts; music; hot, quiet, distant musicians; and, growing up without wanting to. it seemed to be my life on camera.

LOST is ever-expanding: still a life on camera: human instincts, culture, religion, following dreams & fighting them, taking a stand for what we believe in, and facing our deepest fears. the show really has it all - with a kick-ass cast!

so i will deal with commercials, and a weekly-wait! oh, the agony!
because it is 3am & i have to wake in a few hours, i will take just a moment to pose a few questions that i suppose may be answered in season 5:
desmond & penny- did they make it off the island safely, without the wrath of her father or the island?
how did penny beat the navigational systems & find the crew?
where did the island & the inhabitants move to? will they be safe? will they want to return to non-island life? will the 'oceanic six' semi-superheroes travel through time & space to return to the island?
where is the guy from the mental institute who spoke of the 'number'?
will hurley drive the corvette?
will the man who is looking for the 'oceanic six' find the remainder of the survivors?
what happened to jack that he began his downward spiral into drugs & alcohol? was it the statement 'you shouldn't be raising him' spoken from his half-sister? will he snap out of it & carry forth on his life-mission of fixing all that seems impossible?
why are all of the spirits from the characters speaking contrary to what they would normally say? is it something with the island/dharma mission/their own inner fears?
john & his dad - is that all cleared up?
how many times will ben make me laugh come this season?
juliette & jack - will they meet again?
how did sayid begin work with ben?
what will come of the conspiracy between sun & penny's father?

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